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Context Area: Theories of Interface Design and Cognition
- Examiner:
- Chris Schmandt
- Principal Research Scientist
- Media Arts and Sciences Program
- Signature:
- ____________________________________________
- Chris Schmandt, Principal Research Scientist
Description: This context area will cover principles of interface design
and cognitive science. The readings will include human-computer
interaction, cognition in interface design, and focus of attention /
divided attention issues.
Written Requirement: The written requirement for this area will consist of
a take-home exam of approximately three questions whose answers will require
a good grasp of cognition and interface design, to be evaluated by Chris
Note: readings in green are readings not in
the official, signed proposal, but which I discovered later and think would
be of interest to others.
Interface Design Theory
- Buxton, W. Integrating the periphery and context: a new model of
telematics, in Proceedings of Graphics Interface '95, 239-246
Expressive Richness: a comparison of speech and text as media for revision,
B Chalfonte, R Fish, R. Kraut, CHI 91, pp. 21-26
Interactive Human Communication: A Chapanis (SciAm, 232, 1975, p. 36-42)
- Tomas Erickson, Design and Long-term Use of a Personal Electronic Notebook:
A reflective analysis, Human Factors in Computing, CHI 96
- Fitzmaurice, G., "Situated Infomation Spaces and Spatially Aware Palmtop
Computers," CACM, July 1993, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 38-49
- David Kirsh, "Complementary Strategies: Why We Use Our Hands When We
- Koons, D., Sparrell, C. & Thorisson, K. Integrating simultaneous input
from speech, gaze, and hand gestures, Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces,
ed. by M. Maybury, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 1993, 257-76.
- Lynn Wilcox, Bill Schilt, Nitin Sawhney, "Dynomite: A Dynamically Organized
Ink and Audio Notebook", Proceedings of CHI'97, ACM, Atlanta, GA, March 1997
Norman, DA "Things That Make Us Smart," Addison Wesley, 1993
Norman, DA, "Psychology of Everyday Things," Basic Books, 1988
- The Art of Human Computer Interface Design, ed Brenda Laurel,
Addison-Wesley, 1990
- Wickens, CD, Engineering Psychology and Human Performance, Scott Foesman
Little Brown, 1992. (emphasis on Chapter 3, Attention in perception and
display space)
- Schmandt, C, Voice Communication with Computers, 1994
- Allport, Alan, "Visual Attention" in Foundations of
Cognitive Science, Michael Posner editor, MIT Press, 1989.
Barr RA, "How do we focus our attention?", Am J Psychol 1981 DEC
PMID: 7342783, UI:82203896
- Braun J, et al; Vision outside the focus of attention
Percept Psychophys, 1990 Jul 1;48(1);45-58
Craik FI, Govoni R, Naveh-Benjamin M, Anderson ND, "The effects of divided
attention on encoding and retrieval processes in human memory.", J Exp
Psychol Gen 1996 Jun;125(2):159-180,
- Duncan, J, "Divided attention: the whole is more than the sum of its
parts", J Exp Psychol[Hum Percept] 1979 May;5(2):216-228
Fuhrer U, "Are we any closer to understanding divided attention?", Percept
Mot Skills 1985 Aug;61(1);236-238
- Lavie N, Tsal Y, "Perceptual load as a major determinant of the locus of
selection in visual attention." (review)
Percept Psychophys 1994 Aug;54(2):183-197
PMID: 7971119, UI:95061239
- Mulligan NW, Hartman M, "Divided attention and indirect memory tests.", Mem
Cognit 1996 Jul;24(4):453-465
- Neisser U, Becklen R, "Selective looking: Attending to
visually specified events." Cog. Psychol. 1975; 7, 4, 480-494
- Wickens CD, "The effects of divided attention on information processing in
manual tracking.", J Exp Psychol[Hum Percept] 1976 Feb 2(1):1-13
- Wilson-Pauwels L. "Bringing it into focus: visual cues and their role in
directing attention." J Biocommun. 1997; 24(3):12-16. Review.
Wood NL, Cowan N, "The cocktail party phenomenon revisited: attention and
memory in the classic selective listening procedure of Cherry (1953).", J
Exp Psychol Gen 1995 Sep;124(3):243-262, (Humanities, BF.J8453)
- Singer RN, et al, "Focus of attention during motor skill performance.", J
Sports Sci. 1994 Aug 1;12(4):335-340 PMID:7932943;UI:95018467
de Bono, E. "Serious Creativity: Using the Power of Lateral Thinking to
Create New Ideas", HarperBusiness, 1992.
- Csikszentmihalyi, M. "Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and
Invention", HarperCollins, 1997.
Lakoff, G. Metaphors We Live By, University of Chicago Press, 1980.