The wearable remembrance agent
A system for augmented memory
for RA distribution page)
(click for compressed postscript version of this paper)
Bradley J. Rhodes
MIT Media Lab, E15-305
20 Ames St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Published in The Proceedings of The First International Symposium on
Wearable Computers (ISWC '97), Cambridge, Mass, October 1997,
pp. 123-128.
This paper describes the wearable Remembrance Agent, a continuously
running proactive memory aid that uses the physical context of a wearable
computer to provide notes that might be relevant in that context. A
currently running prototype is described, along with future directions for
research inspired by using the prototype.
With computer chips getting smaller and cheaper the day will soon come when
the desk-top, lap-top, and palm-top computer will all disappear into a vest
pocket, wallet, shoe, or anywhere else a spare centimeter or two are
available. As the price continues to plummet, these devices will enable
all kinds of applications, from consumer electronics to personal
communicators to field-operations support. Given that the primary use of
today's palm-top computers is as day-planners, address books, and
notebooks, one can expect memory aids will be an important application for
wearable computers as well.
Current computer-based memory aids are written to make life easier for the
computer, not for the person using them. For example, the two most
available methods for accessing computer data is through filenames (forcing
the user to recall the name of the file), and browsing (forcing the user to
scan a list and recognize the name of the file). Both these methods are
easy to program but require the user to do the brunt of the memory task
themselves. Hierarchical directories or structured data such as calendar
programs help only if the data itself is very structured, and break down
whenever a file or a query doesn't fit into the redesigned structure.
Similarly, key-word searches only work if the user can think of a set of
words that uniquely identifies what is being searched for.
Human memory does not operate in a vacuum of query-response pairs. On the
contrary, the context of a remembered episode provides lots of cues for
recall later. These cues include the physical location of an event, who
was there, what was happening at the same time, and what happened
immediately before and after (Tulving 83). This information both helps
us recall events given a partial context, and to associate our current
environment with past experiences that might be related.
Until recently, computers have only had access to a user's current context
within a computational task, but not outside of that environment. For
example, a word-processor has access to the words currently typed, and
perhaps files previously viewed. However, it has no way of knowing where
its user is, whether she is alone or with someone, whether she is thinking
or talking or reading, etc. Wearable computers give the opportunity to
bring new sensors and technology into everyday life, such that these pieces
of physical context information can be used by our wearable computers to
aid our memory using the same information humans do.
This paper will start by describing features available in wearable
computers that are not available in current laptops or Personal Digital
Assistants (PDAs). It will then show how these features are being
exploited by describing the latest version of the Remembrance Agent (or
RA), a wearable memory aid that continually reminds the wearer of
potentially relevant information based on the wearer's current physical and
virtual context. Finally, it will discuss related work and extensions that
are being added to the current prototype system.
Wearable computers vs. PDAs
The fuzzy definition of a wearable computer is that it's a computer that is
always with you, is comfortable and easy to keep and use, and is as
unobtrusive as clothing. However, this "smart clothing" definition is
unsatisfactory when pushed in the details. Most importantly, it doesn't
convey how a wearable computer is any different from a very small palm-top.
A more specific definition is that wearable computers have many of the
following characteristics:
- Portable while operational: The most distinguishing feature of a
wearable is that it can be used while walking or otherwise moving around.
This distinguishes wearables from both desktop and laptop computers.
- Hands-free use: Military and industrial applications for wearables
especially emphasize their hands-free aspect, and concentrate on speech
input and heads-up display or voice output. Other wearables might also use
chording-keyboards, dials, and joysticks to minimize the tying up of a
user's hands.
- Sensors: In addition to user-inputs, a wearable should have
sensors for the physical environment. Such sensors might include wireless
communications, GPS, cameras, or microphones.
- "Proactive": A wearable should be able to convey information to
its user even when not actively being used. For example, if your computer
wants to let you know you have new email and who it's from, it should be
able to communicate this information to you immediately.
- Always on: By default a wearable is always on and working,
sensing, and acting. This is opposed to the normal use of pen-based PDAs,
which normally sit in one's pocket and are only woken up when a task needs
to be done.
The Remembrance Agent
The Remembrance Agent is a program that continuously ``watches over the
shoulder'' of the wearer of a wearable computer and displays one-line
summaries of notes-files, old email, papers, and other text information
that might be relevant to the user's current context. These summaries are
listed in the bottom few lines of a heads-up display, so the wearer can
read the information with a quick glance. To retrieve the whole text
described in a summary line, the wearer hits a quick chord on a chording
The Desktop RA
An earlier desktop version of the RA is described in (Rhodes & Starner 96). This
previous version suggests old email, papers, or other text documents that
are relevant to whatever file is currently being written or read in a
word-processor. The system has been in daily use for over a year now, and
the suggestions it produces are often quite useful. For example, several
researchers have indexed journal abstracts from the past several years, and
use the RA to suggest references to papers they are currently writing. The
system has also been used to keep track of email threads, by recommending
old email relevant to current email being read.
The Wearable RA
When the system was ported to a wearable computer, new applications became
apparent. For example, when taking notes at conference talks the
remembrance agent will often suggest document that lead to questions for
the speaker. Because the wearable is taken everywhere, the RA can also
offer suggestions based on notes taken during coffee breaks, where laptop
computers can not normally be used. Another advantage is that because the
display is proactive, the wearer does not need to expect a suggestion in
order to receive it. One common practice among the wearables users at
conferences is to type in the name of every person met while shaking hands.
The RA will occasionally remind the wearer that the person who's name was
entered has actually been met before, and can even suggest the notes taken
from that previous conversation.
While useful, the system described above does not go far enough in using
the physical sensors that could be integrated into a wearable computer.
For example, a wearer of the system should not have to type in the name of
every person met at a conference. Instead, the wearable should
automatically know who is being spoken to, through active badge systems or
eventually through automatic face-recognition. Similarly, the wearable
should know its own physical location through GPS or an indoor location
When available, this automatically detected physical context is used by the
new RA to help determine relevant information. This context information is
used both in indexing and in later suggestion-mode. In indexing, notes
taken on the wearable are tagged with context information and stored for
later retrieval. In suggestion-mode, the wearer's current physical context
is used to find relevant information. If sensor data is not available (for
example if no active-badge system is in use) the wearer can still type in
additional context information. The current version of the RA uses five
context cues to produce relevant suggestions:
- Wearer's physical location. This information could provided by GPS,
an indoor location system, or a location entered explicitly by the user on
the chording keyboard.
- People who are currently around. This information can come from an
active badge system, another person's wearable computer, or again can be
entered by the wearer.
- Subject field, which can be entered by the wearer as an extra tag, or
in indexing can be extracted from header fields such as the subject line in
- Date and time-stamp. These can be stamped onto note files with a
single chord on the keyboard, or can be extracted from more structured
data. In retrieval, this information comes from the system clock.
- The information itself (the body of the note), which is turned into a
word-vector for later keyword analysis. In retrieval, this information
comes from whatever the wearer is currently reading or writing on the
heads-up display.
An example scenario makes the interaction of these context cues more
apparent. Say the wearer of the RA system is a student heading to a
history class. When she enters the classroom, note files that had
previously been entered in that same classroom at the same time of day will
start to appear. These notes will likely be related to the current course.
When she starts to take notes on Egyptian Hieroglyphics, the text of her
notes will trigger suggestions pointing to other readings and note files on
Egyptology. These suggestions can be biased to favor hieroglyphics in
particular by setting the subject field to "hieroglyphics." When she
later gets out of class and runs into a fellow student, the identity of the
student is either entered explicitly or conveyed through an active badge
system. The RA starts to bring up suggestions pointing to notes entered
while around this person, including an idea for a project proposal that
both students were working on. Finally, the internal clock of the wearable
gets close to the time of a calendar entry reminding the wearer of a
meeting, and the RA brings up pointers to that entry to remind her that she
should be on her way.
Indexing documents
When a note is written down, the location, person, subject, and date tags
are automatically attached to the note if they are available. If one of
the four context tags are not available (for example, if no active badge is
being used), then the writer of the note can enter the field by hand using
the chording keyboard. The fields can also be left blank. New tags can be
added easily, and it it hoped that as new sensors become available they can
be integrated into the existing system and replace the by-hand entry.
Sometimes these context fields can also be determined from a source other
than physical sensors. For example, subject and person tags can
automatically be extracted from email header information. In this case,
the person field is the person who sent the email, not the person who
happens to be with you when you read the email. If an indexed file is a
structured source such as email or HTML, this is detected and the RA
automatically picks out any information it can from the file. Multiple
notes or documents can also be detected and broken out of a single file, as
would be the case for an email archive file.
After being tagged, these notes, email, and other information sources are
indexed by the back end. Common words in the body of a note file are
thrown out, and the remaining words are stemmed and converted into a
word-vector where the number of occurrences of each word in the indexed
document is an element in the vector. Large files are broken up into
smaller overlapping "windows" so the topic of a single vector will tend
to remain focused. This window information is used later in the suggestion
mode to jump to the most relevant part of a suggested document when it's
brought up for full viewing. The indexing method used here is the same
used for the previous version of the RA, and is based on the SMART
algorithm described in (Salton 71). After indexing the body, the
location, person, date, and subject information are encoded as typed
tokenized words, and are merged into the vector.
Suggestion mode
When running in its normal suggestion mode, the RA will convert the current
screen-full of text being looked at into a word vector, in the same way
vectors are created during indexing. The current location, person, date,
and subject context information is also merged into this ``query vector,''
but the vector can be weighted more or less heavily in favor of each of
these context cues or in favor of the main body-vector.
The RA will then compare the query vector with each of the indexed vectors.
In the case of discrete information (word, person, subject, and
room-location information), the similarity is found by taking the dot
product of the two vectors. The larger the dot-product, the more relevant
that particular document is to the query vector. In the case of vectors of
continuous features (date and GPS coordinates), the distance between the
closest two elements is used to create a weighted relevance. The
similarities between vectors are used to produce a weighted sum, and the
most relevant documents are summarized. The summary lines are displayed
continuously on the bottom few lines of the heads-up display, as shown in
Figure 1. When the context is changing, suggestions are updated every five seconds.
- Figure 1: A screen-shot of the wearable RA. The main screen is notes being
taken during a workshop on wearable computing, the bottom shows the RA's
suggestions. Suggestions (1) and (2) are both from email, so the person
field is automatically filled in from the ``from'' field. In the third
entry, person information was not available so it defaulted to the owner of
the file.
Sometimes a suggestion summary line can be enough to jog a memory, with no
further lookup necessary. However, often it is desirable to look up the
complete reference being summarized. In these cases, a single chord can be
hit on the chording keyboard to bring up any of the suggested references in
the main buffer. If the suggested file is large, the RA will automatically
jump to the most relevant point in the file before displaying it.
Explicit Query
While the RA is designed to be a proactive reminder system, it also
provides the functionality of a standard fuzzy-query database engine. By
entering a query at an emacs prompt, the wearer can override all current
context cues with the new input.
The RA is composed of a front end written in emacs lisp and a back-end
written in C, and runs on most UNIX platforms. It is currently running
under Linux on a wearable 100MHz 486 based on the ``Tin Lizzy'' design
developed by Thad Starner (Starner 95). The input device is a
one-handed chording keyboard called the Twiddler (made by Handykey), with
which one can reach typing speeds of 30-50 words per minute on a
full-function keyboard. The output device is a Private Eye heads-up
display, a 720X280 monochrome display, which produces a crisp 80X25
character screen. The display is currently worn as a ``hat top computer,''
with the viewscreen pointing down from the top right corner of the wearer's
field of view (see Figure \ref{fig:brad.wearable.eps}). This mount
position gives the wearer the ability to make full eye-contact while still
allowing access to a full screen of information with a single glance.
Others in the wearables group at the Media Lab have experimented with
eyeglass-mounts that provide an overlay effect of text or graphics on the
real world (Starner et al 95).
- Figure 2: The heads-up display for the wearable platform.
Related Work
Probably the closest system to this work is the Forget-me-not system
developed at The Rank Xerox Research Center (Lamming 94). The
Forget-me-not is a PDA system that records where it's user is, who they are
with, who they phone, and other such autobiographical information and
stores it in a database for later query. It differs from the RA in that
the RA looks at and retrieves specific textual information (rather than
just a diary of events), and the RA has the capacity to be proactive in its
suggestions as well as answer queries.
Several systems also exist to provide contextual cues for managing
information on a traditional desktop system. For example, the Lifestreams
project provides a complete file management system based on time-stamp
(Freeman 96). It also provides the ability to tag future events,
such as meeting times, that trigger alarms shortly before they occur.
Finally, several systems exist to recommend web-pages based on the
pages a user is currently browsing (Lieberman 95, Armstrong 95).
Design issues and future work
The physical-based tags are a recent extension to the RA, but the base
system has been up and running on the wearable platform for several months,
and several design issues are already apparent from using this prototype.
These issues will help drive the next set of revisions.
The biggest design trade-off with the RA is between making continuous
suggestions versus only occasionally flashing suggestions in a more
obtrusive way. The continuous display was designed to be as tolerant of
false positives as possible, and to distract the wearer from the real world
as little as possible. The continuous display also allows the wearer to
receive a new suggestion literally in the blink of an eye rather than
having to fumble with a keyboard or button. However, because suggestions
are displayed even when no especially relevant suggestions are available,
the wearer has a tendency to distrust the display, and after a few weeks of
use our limited experience suggests that the wearer tends to ignore the
display except when they are looking at the screen anyway, or when they
already realize that a suggestion might be available. The next version of
the RA will cull low-relevancy hits entirely from the display, leaving a
variable-length display with more trustworthy suggestions.
Furthermore, notifications that are judged to be too important to miss (for
example, notification that a scheduled event is about to happen) will be
accompanied by a "visual bell" that flashes the screen several times.
This flashing is already being used in a wearable communications system on
the current heads-up mounted display, and has been satisfactory in getting
the wearer's attention in most cases. Another lesson learned from the
interface for this communications system is that the screen should
radically change when an important message is available. This way the
wearer need not read any text to see if there is an important alert.
Currently, the communications system prints a large reverse-video line
across the lower half of the screen, which is used to quickly determine
if a message has arrived.
Another trade-off has been made between showing lots of text on the screen
versus showing only the most important text in large fonts. The current
design shows an entire 80 column by 25 row screen, but this often produces
too much text for a wearer to scan while still trying to carry on a
conversation. Future versions will experiment with variable font size and
animated typography (Small 94).
I'd like to thank Jan Nelson, who coded most of the Remembrance Agent
back-end, and my sponsors at British Telecom.
R. Armstrong, D. Freitag, T. Joachims, and T. Mitchell, 1995. WebWatcher:
A Learning Apprentice for the World Wide Web, in AAAI Spring Symposium on
Information Gathering, Stanford, CA, March 1995.
E. Freeman and D. Gelernter, March 1996. Lifestreams: A storage model for
personal data. In ACM SIGMOD Bulletin.
M. Lamming and M. Flynn, 1994. "
Forget-me-not:" Intimate Computing in
Support of Human Memory. In Proceedings of FRIEND21, '94 International
Symposium on Next Generation Human Interface, Meguro Gajoen, Japan.
H. Lieberman, Letizia: An Agent That Assists Web Browsing, International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, August 1995.
B. Rhodes and T. Starner, 1996. "Remembrance
Agent: A continuously running automated information retreival system".
In Proceedings of Practical Applications of Intelligent Agents and
Multi-Agent Technology (PAAM '96), London, UK.
G. Salton, ed. 1971. The SMART Retrieval System -- Experiments in Automatic
Document Processing. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
D. Small, S. Ishizaki, and M. Cooper, 1994. Typographic space. In CHI '94
T. Starner, S. Mann, and B. Rhodes, 1995. The MIT wearable computing web
T. Starner, S. Mann, B. Rhodes, J. Healey, K. Russell, J. Levine, and
A. Pentland, 1995. Wearable Computing and Augmented Reality, Technical
Report, Media Lab Vision and Modeling Group RT-355, MIT
E. Tulving, 1983. Elements of episodic memory. Clarandon Press.